Several years after the final battle between the Voltron Force and Prince Lotor, a new evil threatens the galaxy, and the universe is once again in need of its true defender -- Voltron Defender of the Universe!

Join the new cadets as a mysterious hyper-sonic Robeast challenges the Voltron Force. The cadets must also travel tp Earth to finish the fight with Wade once and for all; and face its toughest challenge to date -- taking on Lotor's five predator enemies that combine to form one super Predator Robeast.

  • STUDIO: Beyond Home Entertainment
  • DATE OF RELEASE: June 27, 2012
  • EPISODES ON DVD: Eps 7-13
  • RUN TIME: 154 minutes
  • VIDEO DETAILS: 16:9, PAL format
  • AUDIO DETAILS: English 5.1
  • REGION: 4

  • None

  • None.

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