After Voltron successfully repels another attack from King Zarkon, Haggar and a Robeast sneak on to Planet Arus with the intent of taking out one of the Voltron Force members. Haggar manages to isolate Sven from the others and seriously wounds him, knocking him out of action. With Sven out of commission, the Voltron Force are left with only four members and must fight Haggar's Robeast without Voltron when it reaches the Castle of Lions.

WRITTEN BY: Jameson Brewer
TIMED BY: Muriel Germano
ORIGINAL AIR DATE: September 17, 1984

  • The grey-haired Garrison officer was voiced by Jack Angel.

  • The blonde-haired Garrison officer was voiced by Neil Ross.

  • Sven's line “Well, you enjoy that good red apple.” was originally intended to be heard in the shot of the young boy eating an apple. The line was moved to the shot of Sven leaning down in the boy's direction, which subsequently necessitated the deletion of an extra line from Sven (see DELETED SCENES and DELETED DIALOGUE).

  • Lines from two Arusian women, “You do credit to your late father.” and “We bless you for sharing this food with us, milady.”, were originally to be heard in reverse order.

  • The pull-back shot of Sven's sword embedded in the ground and eventually falling on to it's side was originally intended to be cut.

  • This episode has one noticeable audio difference between the U.S. DVD's 2.0 and 5.1 tracks:

    1. The sound effect of Sven's sword falling and hitting the ground is not in sync with the video on the 2.0 track but is in sync on the 5.1 track.

When Voltron was dubbed from Golion, the series suffered a number of edits, mostly to remove material that was considered objectionable or inappropriate for Voltron. However, some of the deleted material was intended to be featured in the series only to wind up on the cutting room floor anyway. This section details what deleted material was intended to be featured in "The Right Arm Of Voltron". Also detailed here are lines of dialogue that was scripted (and likely recorded) but not present in the episode.

  • Deleted from the close-up shot of Allura before she tells her subjects that Voltron is back was a line of dialogue from the off-screen Coran when Allura momentarily looks to the right: “Speak to them, Princess...tell them to spread the good news -- the Voltron Force brings peace to Arus!”

    Incidentally, the line was originally scripted as: “Speak to them, Princess...tell them to spread the good news to everyone -- Voltron has returned!”

  • Deleted from the scene where Commander Steele enters Galaxy Garrison headquarters was a brief moment where, right before he enters the elevator, he looks back over his shoulder at several Garrison personnel relaxing in the lobby.

  • After Sven tells the young boy to enjoy the apple he's eating, Sven originally had an extra line: “Eh, boy?”. The extra line was to be heard in the shot of Sven leaning down in the boy's direction.

    The line was likely deleted because a preceding line from Sven was moved into the shot (see NOTES & TRIVIA), resulting in no time for the extra line to play out.

  • The scene where Keith and Lance find the injured Sven was a bit longer in the script, which featured close-up shots of the bloodied Sven as well as some different dialogue from him. The scene as presented in the script:

Some lines of dialogue were originally scripted differently. This section details the noteworthy differences.

  • Coran's line “More will come when they learn the Voltron Force is here.” was originally scripted as: “More will come when they learn Voltron the Defender is back!”

  • Haggar's line “I, myself, will go to Arus this time with my most purr-fect assistant!” was originally scripted as: “I, myself, will go to Arus this time with my most powerful assistant!”

  • Haggar's line “Be patient, it's only ten million light years to Arus. We'll be there in moments.” was originally scripted as: “Be patient, it's only ten million miles to Arus. We'll be there in a week in our special rockets!”

    Incidentally, the second sentence of the re-written version of the line was originally a bit longer: “We'll be there in moments in our hyper-space coffins!”

  • Steele's line “All communications to Planet Arus are disrupted due to meteor showers.” was originally scripted as: “All communications to planet Arus are disrupted due to space static!”

  • Sven's line “It's been a long time since we've had anything besides bread and water ourselves.” was originally scripted as: “It's been a long time since we've had anything besides bread and beans, ourselves.”

  • Sven's line “Hurry yourself up, Lance!” was at one point re-written to: “Hurry it up, Lance! Please!”

  • Sven's line “I can sense your true presence!” was originally scripted as: “I can feel where you are! I can feel your evil vibes...”

  • Haggar's line “Level it to the ground! Crush everyone in it!” was originally scripted as: “Crush it into the ground -- and everyone in it!"

  • Yurak's line to Haggar “Your magic failed!” was originally scripted as: “Your monster failed!”

    Haggar's response of “No, I put one of the Voltron Force out of business.” was originally scripted as: “Did not! I put one of the Voltron Force out of business.”

  • Coran's line: “To victory, and the great return of Voltron!” was originally scripted as: “To Sven -- when he returns -- so will Voltron!”

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