Fiery red rain falls on Planet Arus courtesy of Haggar's magic. Using the red rain as cover, Yurak leads an attack fleet on Arus, attacks a village, takes it's citizens hostage and uses them as bargaining chips in order to get the Voltron Force to surrender.
WRITTEN BY: Jack Paritz TIMED BY: Jack Paritz ORIGINAL AIR DATE: October 1, 1984 |
- Though not mentioned in the episode, Tammy's mother is named Layla.
- Tammy was originally named Dontu, then Timmy. It appears writer Jack Paritz mistook Tammy for a boy and accidentally wrote the character as a male, hence the original male names. The mistake was obviously fixed prior to the voice recording session for the episode.
- The two sentences in Keith's line “I don't know what Pidge is up to but we'll soon find out. Now we've got a chance.” were scripted to be played out in reverse order.
When Voltron was dubbed from Golion, the series suffered a number of edits, mostly to remove material that was considered objectionable or inappropriate for Voltron. However, some of the deleted material was intended to be featured in the series only to wind up on the cutting room floor anyway. This section details what deleted material was intended to be featured in "Surrender". Also detailed here are lines of dialogue that was scripted (and likely recorded) but not present in the episode.
- Deleted from a pan down shot of Arusians looking up at the just-formed red skies were two lines of dialogue from two villagers: “So dark and red!” and “It's not like anything I've ever seen before!”
Incidentally, one villager's line “I've never seen such an angry sky!” was scripted to be heard at the start of the shot but the line wound up being moved into the next shot, which is a pan right shot of Arusians looking up at the sky.
- Deleted from the end of the scene where Coran attempts to contact the downed Voltron Force was a shot of two of Allura's space mice crying.
- Trimmed from the end of the shot of Allura telling Keith she agrees with his call to surrender was Allura looking in the direction of the camera.
- Trimmed from the end of the two-shot of Nanny and Coran prior to the Castle of Lions raising the white flag was Nanny stepping forward and clasping her hands together in apparent prayer.
- Deleted from Voltron's defeat of the Robeast was a shot of the two fighters with Voltron's sword embedded in the beast's head and sticking out of his stomach. The script does not specify the shot is to be cut, so it may have been intended to be shown in the episode.
- Deleted from the closing scene of the episode was a shot of two of Allura's space mice happily hugging each other as Layla and Tammy leave the Castle of Lions.
Some lines of dialogue were originally scripted differently. This section details the noteworthy differences.
- One villager's line “I've never seen red rain before!” was originally scripted as: “Rain the color of blood!”
- Allura and Pidge's simultaneous line “Will do!” was originally scripted as: “Gotcha!”
- Allura's line “We may have made things worse!” was originally scripted as: “I may have made things worse.”
- Grox's line “Their damaged ships are at our mercy!” was originally scripted as: “Their wounded ships are at our mercy!”
- Yurak's line “Are you ready to sacrifice an entire village because you won't give up?” was originally scripted as: “Are you ready to sacrifice an entire village on the altar of your pride?”
Incidentally, the line was originally re-written as: “Are you ready to sacrifice an entire village because you won't surrender?”
- Grox's line “If she is wounded then she must be returned to the slave ship. Take her away!” was originally scripted as: “If she is wounded then she must be destroyed at once. Bring the guns!”
- Pidge's closing line of the episode was originally scripted as: “He reminds me of my kid brother back with the Space Explorers on Planet Terra. And he makes me proud to be one of the little guys. Who needs big? Well, of course, big can be good too if you're really big and super-powerful like...VOLTRON! DEFENDER OF THE FAR UNIVERSE!”
The term 'little guys' was originally going to be changed to 'young people' instead of 'little people' as heard in the episode.