Princess Allura pilots the Black Lion without permission and winds up getting in to trouble when Prince Lotor and a fleet of Doom ships arrive on Arus with the intent of capturing her. The rest of the Voltron Force saves Allura but are angered by her actions. Later, Lotor issues an ultimatum to the Voltron Force: surrender Allura or her people will be harmed.

WRITTEN BY: Stan Oliver
TIMED BY: Bobby Bennett
ORIGINAL AIR DATE: October 3, 1984

  • None.

When Voltron was dubbed from Golion, the series suffered a number of edits, mostly to remove material that was considered objectionable or inappropriate for Voltron. However, some of the deleted material was intended to be featured in the series only to wind up on the cutting room floor anyway. This section details what deleted material was intended to be featured in "Give Me Your Princess". Also detailed here are lines of dialogue that was scripted (and likely recorded) but not present in the episode.

  • Deleted from the end of Lotor's stating the Black Lion has been knocked out was an extra line from the prince before he instructs his ships to capture the Blue Lion: “The rest will be easy!”

  • Deleted from the end of Keith telling Allura she'll be Black Lion pilot someday was a line from an off-screen Pidge agreeing with Keith: “For sure!”

Some lines of dialogue were originally scripted differently. This section details the noteworthy differences.

  • Lotor's line “I don't need him telling me what to do!” was originally scripted as: “I certainly don't need him telling me what to do!”

  • Allura's line “Having good friends on your team is the best thing in the whole universe!” was originally scripted as: “Having good friends is the best thing in the universe!”

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