While in search of new worlds to combat the over-population crisis that has hit the galaxy, the Voltron Force discover a promising planet. But soon after arriving on the planet they come under attack from the Drule Empire, who are also in need of a world of their own.
WRITTEN BY: Jameson Brewer TIMED BY: Franklin Cofod ORIGINAL AIR DATE: September 19, 1984 |
- There is a pilot version of this episode, which is very similar to the final version of the episode. The pilot is featured on the Voltron -- Collection 6: Air Team DVD set as an extra.
- The music in the pilot is not featured in the final version of the episode nor the
rest of the series. This is because Voltron's producers didn't like it and dropped it, deeming it too
Eastern. Another composer, John Petersen, was hired to come up with new and better-fitting music,
music that would be more in tune with Western sensibilities.
- Hawkins' dialogue detailing the exploration fleet's survival of potentially deadly natural forces of space was at one point intended to be overlaid on stock footage of Hawkins on the bridge. Instead, the dialogue was overlaid on shots of the Explorer.
- Hawkins' line “What's wrong, Sparks?” was originally scripted to be heard when Sparks places his hands on his headset, not after he removes them.
- The shot of Hawkins saying “Got to!” was originally meant to be a shot of Hawkins and Newley at Newley's console. It's not clear why the shot was replaced with a close-up of Hawkins.
- In the script, the Robeast is referred to as 'Ultimate'.
- A line of dialogue deleted from this episode reveals that Krik's home planet is called Hydra. (see DELETED SCENES and DELETED DIALOGUE)
 When Voltron was dubbed from Dairugger XV, the series suffered a number of edits, mostly to remove material that was considered objectionable or inappropriate for Voltron. However, some of the deleted material was intended to be featured in the series only to wind up on the cutting room floor anyway. This section details what deleted material was intended to be featured in "In Search Of New Worlds". Also detailed here are lines of dialogue that was scripted (and likely recorded) but not present in the episode.
- Right after Brak tells Hazar a more urgent matter demands his attention, Brak originally had an extra line telling Hazar what the matter was: “A spaceship.”
- Deleted from the first scene of the Explorer cruising through space was a shot of space with a planet visible in the distance. Had this shot been left in the episode it would have been the opening shot of the scene.
- Deleted from the end of Hawkins' dialogue regarding the exploration fleet's survial of the deadly natural forces of space was an extra line from the commander: “Ten-forty.”
- Deleted from the start of the scene where Jeff, Krik and Cliff talk about the blip that's been detected was a shot of the Voltron team leaders looking out an off-screen window.
- Deleted from the end of Hutch's whinge about Marvin having five kings in his hand of cards was an extra line from Hutch: “I don't like the way you deal and I wanta know where you got these spooky cards!”
- Deleted from the shot of the Explorer's bridge crew prior to Sparks detecting up a magnetic belt was a line of dialogue from Hawkins: “I hope this planet turns out to be a good one. The crew is getting pretty tense.”
- Deleted from toward the end of Hutch and Marvin's fight was a brief sequence where Zandee and Wolo make humorous comments about the fight. The sequence as presented in the script (which takes place right after Hutch yells at Marvin that he'll be sorry he tried to trick him):
The sequence is featured in the pilot version of the episode, however the dialogue is completely different.
- Deleted from the brief montage of the Voltron Force relaxing while on standby following the aborted launch was a shot of Rocky, Wolo and Chip resting in their quarters.
- Deleted from the start of Hawkins' radar countdown dialogue was an extra number spoken by the commander: “Eight...”
- Deleted from the scene of the Voltron Force carrying out repairs was a shot of Hawkins dropping down from the Explorer in a spacecycle.
Incidentally, Hawkins' line “How are the repairs coming along, teams? Any problems?” was scripted to be heard in this shot. When the shot was deleted, the line was moved to the pan shot of the Voltron Force at work.
Also deleted from the scene was a shot of the Voltron Force looking at Hawkins on his spacecycle. Hawkins' line “We've got to work fast!” was scripted to be heard in this shot, but when the shot was deleted the line was moved to the close-up shot of Hawkins.
The two deleted shots:
The two deleted shots are featured in the pilot version of the episode with the dialogue in their originally intended places.
- Deleted from the end of the battle was a brief sequence where Hawkins thinks to himself about the Voltron Force leaders. The sequence as presented in the script (which occurs right after the shot of Voltron turning to the direction of the flaming Robeast remains):
Several shots from the sequence: |
The sequence is featured in the pilot version of the episode, although a couple of lines are slightly different.
 Some lines of dialogue were originally scripted differently. This section details the noteworthy differences.
- The Planet Doom controller's line “Planet Doom Control to Commander Hazar!” was originally scripted as: “This is Planet Doom to Commander Hazar!”
- The blonde-haired Explorer controller's line “They're no match for the Voltron Force!” was originally scripted as: “I guess we really outthunk 'em!”
The originally scripted line is present in the pilot version of the episode.
- Newley's line “We'll have to set the command ship down on the planet. I don't like to do it.” was originally scripted as: “I don't like to do it but we'll have to set the command ship down on the planet.”
- Marshal Graham and Commander's Steele's dialogue as they walk down the corridors of Galaxy Garrison was originally a bit different. The original dialogue as presented in the script:
- Jeff's line “That last round jammed our controls!” was originally scripted as: “Voltron's punch drunk from that last round!”
The originally scripted line is present in the pilot version of the episode.
- Jeff's line “One minute left, team!” was originally scripted as: “One minute left, Voltron!”
The originally scripted line is present in the pilot version of the episode.