The Galaxy Alliance begins construction on the new planet. Hazar plots to take the planet from them once construction is completed, but Quork, believing that once the Alliance has a foothold of the planet it will be impossible to take it from them, launches an attack fleet instead.
WRITTEN BY: Jameson Brewer TIMED BY: Jack Shaw ORIGINAL AIR DATE: October 27, 1984 |
- At one point during the Voltron Force's battle with the Drule tanks, Jeff can be seen yelling “It's a guided missile!” in Krik's voice instead of his own. The reason for this appears to be down to writer Jameson Brewer momentarily mistaking Jeff for Krik in the shot.
- Cliff's line “Yeah, I see 'em!” was originally scripted to be heard in the shot of Cliff right after Jeff tells him Drule tanks are approaching the Land Team. The line wound up being moved to a second shot of Cliff right before the Land Team opens fire on the tanks. This necessitated the deletion of a different line of dialogue that was scripted for the second shot. (see DELETED SCENES and DELETED DIALOGUE)
 When Voltron was dubbed from Dairugger XV, the series suffered a number of edits, mostly to remove material that was considered objectionable or inappropriate for Voltron. However, some of the deleted material was intended to be featured in the series only to wind up on the cutting room floor anyway. This section details what deleted material was intended to be featured in "First Day On A New World". Also detailed here are lines of dialogue that was scripted (and likely recorded) but not present in the episode.
- Deleted from the end of the episode's opening scene was a close-up shot of Jeff in his vehicle's cockpit.
- Deleted from Quork's rant that the Voltron Force will be hard to root out if they establish land bases on the new planet was an extra line from the Drule commander after he says hundreds then thousands will come: “Soon the planet will be swarming with their kind!”
- Deleted from Steele's arrival at Galaxy Garrison headquarters was a brief sequence where he observes Garrison personnel relaxing in the lobby.
Several shots from the sequence:
- Deleted from the end of Newley's comment that the new planet won't have any pollution problems was an extra line from the captain that was directed towards Hawkins: “Right, Commander?”
- Deleted from the brief sequence of the Voltron Force standing by for launch was a shot of Captain Newley saying: “Voltron Force, standby for launch!”
The line remained in the episode though and is heard in the pan shot of the docked Voltron vehicles.
- Deleted from the shot of the Explorer on the planet's surface prior to the Voltron vehicles launching was a voice over line from Newley: “All units to defense stations! Voltron Force prepare to launch!”
- Deleted from the sequence where the Land Team opens fire on Drule tanks was a line from Cliff yelling “Come on!” before the Land Team fires their weapons. The line was to be heard in the shot of Cliff right before Land Team opens fire, however the line was deleted when Cliff's line “Yeah, I see 'em!” was moved into the shot. (see NOTES & TRIVIA)
- Deleted from the Voltron formation dialogue was an extra line from Jeff after he says to activate interlocks: “Dyotherms connected...”
 Some lines of dialogue were originally scripted differently. This section details the noteworthy differences.
- Hawkins' line “Commander Hawkins to the Voltron Force.” was originally scripted as: “Commander Hawkins to all Space Explorers!”
- Jeff's first line in the opening scene of the episode was originally scripted as: “This is Jeff, Commander. We've spotted several ideal locations for base stations. And there's a great place for a communications center. I don't think we're quite ready for freeway systems and baseball parks yet.”
- Some of the dialogue between Hazar and Quork at Drule space headquarters was originally a bit different.
The original dialogue as presented in the script:
- Hawkins' line “It's vital that you quickly find suitable places for desalination plants. Pure drinking water will be our first consideration on this new planet. How does it look down there?” was originally scripted as: “It's vital that you quickly find suitable places to install desalination plants. Good, clean drinking water will be our first consideration on this new planet. How does it look down there? Come in, team.”
- Tangor's line “Big deal. He only rules a few poor, beaten planets. What do we care?” was originally scripted as: “So he rules a few poor beaten planets! Nobody even knows how big the universe is yet!”
- Some of the dialogue in the Galaxy Garrison meeting scene was originally a bit different.
The original dialogue as presented in the script:
- Quork's line “The fools have launched an early warning satellite! Didn't they think we could detect it? Well, let's give them a warning. Fire our rockets and knock it out!” was originally scripted as: “The fools have floated an early warning satellite! Didn't they think we could detect it? Well, let's give them a warning...launch our rockets and knock it out!”
- Quork's line “We must land our command ship on the planet's surface! Project a laser runway to the planet. We can coast down surrounded by energy shields. None of their weapons can touch us!” was originally scripted as: “We've gotta move right down to the planet with our command ship! Project a laser runway to the planet! We can coast down on it, surrounded by energy shields and none of their defense weapons can touch us!”
- Quork's line “This will be a very short battle!” was originally scripted as: “This ought to be a very short battle!”
- Quork's line “Launch the Robeast!” was originally scripted as: “Launch the robot demon!”
- Newley's line “There's only one thing we can do now: it's time to put the Voltron Force to work!” was originally scripted as: “There's only one thing we can hope for now...that Voltron will come to the rescue!”
- Quork's line “Hazar will have my head for this!” was originally scripted as: “How can I report this to Hazar?!”
- Jeff's dialogue in the final scene of the episode was originally a bit different.
The original dialogue as presented in the script: