To win a bet with Brak, Nerok sends out a distress signal from Planet Itlan in hope of luring the Voltron Force into a trap.
WRITTEN BY: Michael Walker TIMED BY: Bobby Bennett ORIGINAL AIR DATE: December 24, 1984 |
- Hawkins' line “All right, teams, you can move in but do not strike...do not strike!” in the shot of Voltron flying down following the launching of the Robeast was originally scripted to be heard in the shot of the Explorer resting at sea before Nerok says to wait until Voltron hits the Robeast.
The shifting of the line necessitated the deletion of another line of dialogue from Hawkins in the shot of Voltron flying down. (see DELETED SCENES and DELETED DIALOGUE)
 When Voltron was dubbed from Dairugger XV, the series suffered a number of edits, mostly to remove material that was considered objectionable or inappropriate for Voltron. However, some of the deleted material was intended to be featured in the series only to wind up on the cutting room floor anyway. This section details what deleted material was intended to be featured in "Planet Stop For Repairs". Also detailed here are lines of dialogue that was scripted (and likely recorded) but not present in the episode.
- Deleted from the scene of the Explorer's engines being shut down was a close-up shot of a commanding officer in engineering ordering: “Main engine off!”
- Deleted from the scene of Jeff looking at Planet Itlan out the Explorer window was a short sequence featuring lines from Rocky and Ginger.
The sequence as presented in the script (which starts after Chip asks Jeff how Itlan looks):
Ginger's last line is a reference to Jeff having said the same thing earlier in the episode.
- Deleted from the scene of the Air Team vehicles heading toward Planet Itlan after launching was a sequence where Ginger asks Jeff if he heard Hawkins' transmission stating the distress call is of Drule origin.
The sequence as presented in the script (which occurs before Jeff says he hoped he was wrong):
- Deleted from after Chip's joke about Itlan being the Drules' vacation land was a shot of Rocky responding to Chip's comment: “Yeah, they just lie around here and turn blue!”
- Deleted from after Jeff's order to his team mates to sniff out trouble was a shot of Ginger telling Jeff: “You can quit sniffing...look in the water up ahead!”
- Deleted from the shot of the Air Team vehicles flying over and away from the Drule ships was a simultaneous line of dialogue from Jeff's team mates yelling “Gotcha!” in response to his instruction to head back to the Explorer.
- A shot of Hawkins yelling “And go!” before Voltron forms the Blazing Sword was deleted.
- Deleted from the shot of Voltron flying down after the Robeast is launched was voice over line from Hawkins saying to the Voltron Force: “Now go!”
- Deleted from the sequence of the Robeast making an apparent lunge toward Voltron was a shot of Ginger reacting to the Robeast's sudden move.
- Deleted from the final scene of the episode were shots of a Drule command ship gliding across the screen against a black background with close-up shots of Krik and Cliff mixed in between the shots of the Drule ship, as well as a brief sequence where Jeff runs on the deck of the Explorer in the rain and muses to himself: “I guess the 'right stuff' also means jogging even when it's raining!”
While it's not known why the shots of the Drule ship, Cliff, and Krik were deleted, the sequence of Jeff running in the rain was cut as it was felt it 'made no occidental sense'.
Shots from the sequence of Jeff running in the rain:
 Some lines of dialogue were originally scripted differently. This section details the noteworthy differences.
- Newley's line “We're not used to hearing that, Sparks.” was originally scripted as: “We're not used to that kind of news, Sparks.”
- The Drule officer's line “Your staff of robots are assembled in the main hall.” was originally scripted as: “Your staff of scientists have assembled in the main hall.”
- Newley's line “If they're marooned we gotta help them.” was originally scripted as: “If they're marooned we must help them.”
- Zabor's line “All your striving for peace hasn't brought us a new world.” was originally scripted as: “All your striving for peace doesn't bring us a new world.”
- Hazar's line “Very well, I bow to the majority one last time.” was originally scripted as: “Very well, I reluctantly bow to the majority one last time.”
- Nerok's line “How wise and noble of him! I would have done it without his permission!” was originally scripted as: “How very wise and noble of him! I would have done it with or without his permission!”
- Nerok's line “Come on, Voltron! Attack!!!” was originally scripted as: “Come on, Voltron! Why don't you attack?!"
- Hawkins' line “You were all just great. I'm sorry to put you through that, but you see I had a hunch about that Robeast. You know, he's just a mechanical monster.” was originally scripted as: “I'm sorry to put you through that but you were all just great. You see, I had a hunch about that Robeast. He's just a mechanical monster, you know.”
- Hawkins' line “The best choice is peace. You men know that.” was originally scripted as: “Peace is always the best choice, but you men know that.”