With time running out for Planet Drule, Hazar begins to wonder if peace is now the best chance for the
survival of his people. Meanwhile, Captain Newley is being transferred out of the Explorer to Galaxy Garrison
WRITTEN BY: Stan Oliver TIMED BY: Jack Shaw ORIGINAL AIR DATE: January 15, 1985 |
- Though not mentioned in the episode, the brown-haired and moustached Drule is named Weelo.
- Though not mentioned in the episode, the yellow-haired Drule is named Nami. He is wrongly named Zabar in Episodes 27 "Save The Space Station" & 28 "Planet Of The Amazons".
- Although referred to as such and speaking with his voice, the Drule depicted as Mordox during the
third act of the episode is actually Gorvan. It appears writer Stan Oliver mistook Gorvan for Mordox,
hence the mistake.
 When Voltron was dubbed from Dairugger XV, the series suffered a number of edits, mostly to remove material that was considered objectionable or inappropriate for Voltron. However, some of the deleted material was intended to be featured in the series only to wind up on the cutting room floor anyway. This section details what deleted material was intended to be featured in "No, Who's On Second?". Also detailed here are lines of dialogue that was scripted (and likely recorded) but not present in the episode.
- Deleted from the end of the Voltron Force's afternoon drill was a line of dialogue from Jeff as the
vehicles head toward the Explorer: “Voltron Force...head for the Explorer!”
- Deleted from the aerial shot of Mordox walking away from Hazar, Mongo, and an aide was a line from
the aide acknowledging Mordox's leaving: “Sir!”
- Deleted from the last shot of Newley as his shuttle departs from the Explorer was a brief moment
where Newley's eyes are closed as he is in thought.
- Deleted from the scene of Hazar and Mongo in Hazar's quarters was a shot of Hazar looking up at
the just-entered Mongo.
Hazar's query regarding Mongo looking troubled was originally scripted to be heard in this shot.
Also deleted from the scene was an aerial shot of Hazar and Mongo at Hazar's desk in which Hazar
tells Mongo regarding Planet Drule's imminent demise: “Our scientists are now predicting the
explosion will occur during the next lunar cycle.”
The shot, which would have been shown before Mongo suggests the Drules should go to war, was
deleted due to a painting of a nude Drule woman being visible on the wall behind Hazar.
- Some lines of dialogue and a number of shots were deleted from the final scene of the episode.
The entire scene as presented in the script:
 Some lines of dialogue were originally scripted differently. This section details the noteworthy differences.
- Mordox's line “This plan, Hazar -- fooling the Galaxy Alliance into thinking we want peace.” was
originally scripted as: “This peace plan of yours, Hazar -- fooling the Galaxy Alliance into thinking
we're no longer interested in war --“
- Mordox's line “Let me remind you, Hazar.” was originally scripted as: “Let me remind you of the
situation, Hazar.”
- Hawkins' line “Unless that's unsatisfactory.” was originally scripted as “Unless you feel that's
- Mongo's line “Nerok, that's why we're lulling them into a false peace.” was originally scripted as:
“Nerok -- the film shows the power of the mighty Voltron...that's why we're lulling them into a false
- Zabor's line “Leave him alone. He's decided to beat the Galaxy Alliance at their own game of peace.”
was originally scripted as: “Leave him alone...like we all have, he's decided to beat the Galaxy
Alliance at their own game of -- peace!”
- Mongo's line “I'm leaving before I do something you'll regret!” was originally scripted as: “So -- if you
don't mind, I'm going to leave -- before I regret it!”